Saturday, October 4, 2008

swap file #2: logos


Imaginova is a "digital media and commerce company," which deals with new technology. I think the logo fits their market. The star, sun or light is desined in pixels which is what a light might look like through a lens or piece of technology. Imaginova is writen with a modern and scientific typeface which also fits their business products.


I am commenting on the "orange" logo. I dont know who it was created for but it appers to be made with a modern typeface. The leaf added to the "g" shows the viewers that it is refering to the fruit. The roundness of the typeface makes the logo inviting and engaging.


I am referring to the logo Jay bird. The simple symmetrical design is what  refers to their name (it is what is placed on the products). The typeface of Jay bird is interesting and not plain. Just like the lines don't fully connect in the symbol, the line of each letter does not connect, creating similarity.

Friday, October 3, 2008

swap file #2: CD sleeve

This is the cover of Keane. 

This is the inside sleeve of Keane's album.  On the other side are the songs listed. The design is absolutely beautiful. It was designed by Sanna Annukka, who is an illustrator and a printmaker. I think it looks like an "iron sea."

swap file #2: book jacket

book jacket:

The book jacket for Everything is Illuminated reminds me of the first graphic design project i had this year. Its figure ground is ambiguous. I like how the front is the opposite of the back, in that its upside down and the negative of the cover. (If you click on the link under the picture you can see this full book jacket and other covers). I also like the cover of Dot Bomb; it illustrates the title of the book. I am not promoting these books in any way, i have not read them. I simply and commenting on Jonathan Gray's work.

swap file #2: motion graphics


The introduction to Stranger than Fiction shows motion graphics in a way that allows the viewer to see what the main character is thinking.


This motion graphic video also contains some typography. I like the way the lines move and interact with the letters throughout the video.

swap file #2: symbol design


This is the symbol for radioactive material. It was designed to look as though
radioactive material was "radiating from an atom". They have now changed the color from magenta to black or other colors.


I do not know who created the design for this pack of cards, but i like the way they decorated the spade. They took the symbol of spade and created an interesting design. The typeface of block lettering gives them an ancient feel.

swap file #2: magazine


I picked this magazine because i like how the orange stands out because everything else is  basically black and white. In the word "George" the man's head is over the letter "o" which is the same shape. 

This web layout is visually appealing and interesting. When you scroll over the names in the list to the left each location is shown with a star. 


i chose this site for its color palette and the typeface of the name. 

In this hotwheels page all the colors flow with each other. The red stands out.

This page is outlined with a white line that is interesting because it looks painted on with a straight edge. The black and white values make the page look unlike a normal any day webpage.

The typeface in this page is what makes it interesting. I probably would not have picked i white background for the page.

swap file #2: print ads

3 print ads:


This is a creative way to advertise. This ad makes the viewer
begin to search for what the man has lost in the drain.


The text in the print says "VOLVO for life." This volvo add is very good advertising. It gets their point across.

This is an eye catching ad, because of the bright colors and int
eresting design.


This print is one of favorites of the ones that i have picked. I like the colors chosen and the layout of everything.

more advertising i found interesting:

swap file #2: television commercials

#1 Sprint

Sprint did a great job on this commercial! 
The idea of knowing the score from your phone 
was actualized with the miniature stadium. 
This is a great example of motion graphics.

#2 Bridgestone

This commercial grabs your attention because
everybody is screaming. Bridgestone's logo and name
is given at the end to claim it as their own.

#3 Doritos

Its easy to tell the use of Photoshop a program much similar. 
The style of the design (everytime they freeze the video to
give the people a title) goes well with the Doritos design 
on the bag.